Does photography steal the experience from you?

Photography does not steal the experience of appreciating a moment from you when done correctly. So many people take photos in today’s world as we have portable cameras in our phones. Much to the video’s point, it is so easy to get lost in the whirl wind of photography when you’re always looking for the pictures, enabling us to forget to actually enjoy the moment and live in the moment. I frequently feel rushed to take the picture so I am able to enjoy the view after I already got my pictures of it whenever I find myself in a scenic scenario.

That, however, isn’t real photography. When we think about photography, it is important to remember the intention behind it in which case scenario, photography can intensify the actual moment for you. Hence, why my frequent rushing to take the picture is the exact example of how, typically speaking, photography can steal the experience of the moment from you. As stated before, however, that is not real photography because the photo wasn’t taken with intention, purpose, and the photo wasn’t for me. I noticed that though when I am rushing to take these photos I have the thought of doing it for the reason of looking back in some time or posting to social media, that nine times out of ten, I don’t actually look back later on. This means, that the whole purpose of me taking the picture is a mute point and all that did was dampen the moment for me.

That in turn is how photography can be perceived to steal the moment for you but that like I said isn’t real photography. Real photography is a photo taken with intent. A photo that is taken with purpose is real photography.

I chose this picture because it perfectly described my point about everybody having cameras on their phones and taking photos that frequently can ruin that moment. Photos taken without purpose and intent is not photography.

Published by kayleeabrown

I am a 23 year old social media and content creation specialist. DCU '23. I have a passion for Irish dance, photography, and travel. Enjoy my work:)

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